Wednesday, September 28, 2005

Well, I never

Well this is most frustrating! The blog thing on my internet thing isn’t working so my posts will have to go through my mate Matt *batts her eyelashes at Matt* so anyway very excruciatingly annoying. Well you wouldn’t believe what happened to ME this morning! It is another tale of those icky creatures that give me nightmares for a very very long time. *I am now warning you if you get nightmares easily do NOT read on!* I was sitting there on my bed reading my Anne of Green Gables book (quite a good reading I might add). I was reading on like an innocent little lady. Just reading... The next minute this huge creature pokes its legs over onto my page and its eyes stare straight at me. Its big black and brown body inching over to my hand. Yes, that’s right, it was a Cockroach. I shrieked in horror and threw the book to the other side of the room. I sat there and thought to myself ... not again I can’t do this again... I soon realized that this might be the relation of the last cockroach that inhabited my jeans (don’t ask). And so with shaking fingers I reached down to my book but quickly brought my hand back to my side. I walked around my beloved book and saw that it was clear of the monstrous creatures... it must be squashed in the book...i thought to myself...great, that’s gonna be messy... I closed the book quickly and hit it with my fist over and over. Just to make sure that it was squished dead in there and not squished half alive. I picked the book up and looked over the pages... but it was no where to be seen...

Was this cockroach real... or was it a part of my imagination running wild? Or the question that leaves me shaking and forces me never to enter my room again is... what if it is the ghost of the cockroach that inhabited my pants?


Sar n Jase said...

oh my goodness! that is so scary!!!!! i cant believe it dissapeared! what if its still in there!!!! I hate when that happens... the whole rest of that day ur really jumpy and u keep thinking its back. if u get an itch or a tickle or ANYTHING u have a hissy fit incase its the cockroach back... *shudders*... (or is that just me..?) i dont envy you and ur sneaky cockroach friend!!! wah!

GIR2000 said...

lol, they are only bugs, your toe is bigger then it is. unless its one of those super cockroaches, you know the kind where you cut off its head and keeps on living so you now have two roaches!!

Sar n Jase said...

oh gosh... ive heard that story *shudders* man... tats not right.. that many cockroaches...just not right...

DrUmMeR ChiCK! said...

what? What? WHAT? What is the story??????

GIR2000 said...

whats the story?

Sar n Jase said...

hahaha nooo publish it. go on. u knoe u want toooo!!! haha... publish it on ur blog!!

DrUmMeR ChiCK! said...

I want to hear it! tell me tell me tell me! I don't care whether its posted or not