Saturday, September 03, 2005

Stupidity on the Roads

Why do young people feel the need to speed? It may be the adrenaline they feel when they hit that 100km an hour in a school zone. Or its the way their friends gush over the totally awesome burnout that they had just performed. Or it may be that they want to feel that power that lasts just that second longer when you speed. All of these reasons might be correct. Fair enough, your young you got to live, have fun. But no one mentioned that 17 to 25 year olds are the highest risk groups for motor vehicle accidents. This group holds account for 30% of road fatalities. Well maybe they did mention it, but they weren't listening. Why? Why dont they when they are harming themselves and those around them? How would they feel if one of their passengers died from one mistake made by their speed and ignorance of the road rules. Many of you who are reading this know why I have made this blog. I am only doing this because I care because it would totally not rule if one of these guys got hurt. You know who you are guys. Lets just be careful. Please just think about what you are doing. That is my plea to you. Please, dont do anything you know you'll regret later. Thank you.


GIR2000 said...

i can tell that you feel strongly about driving responsibly. i hope that the behaviour of others doesn't deter you from getting yours.

GIR2000 said...

This that you Rima?