When you think things can't get any worse you find out that your brother just ate the rest of your chocolate...
Friday, September 29, 2006
Awwww tara and trev... this couple will go far...
Yeah, ill just slip this one in.
Jazz at recess... our last recess!
Jazz, peter and i... i love that boy... me and him have been brass buddies for four years... great bloke.
My drummer Joe and me. Hes such a cutie. And a REAL good drummer. Self taught too.
Hannah and I in our last english class... *tear*. Next up my last music class... *tear again*.
Pete signing my shirt! Gotta love that boy...
Miss G and I. All my composing abilities are thanks to her. Shes cool...
Marcy and I. I love this chick. When she started year 8 I was new too. I started at lumen in year 9. So we both were new. And our friendship hit off straight away. Shes my bass player. Hahaha... i really trust her with my band. I hope we meet up in uni when she gets there. We'll have a jam. Man am i gonna miss marcy...
The music class! Its a mix of year 11 and 12s cos there wasnt enough students. Its been harder this way but all of our friendships are now really close.
Jess, Miss G, Miss D and me. The year 12's and our music teachers from year 8 + 9.
Jess and I, music mates!
Kahlia, Me and Alice. Kahlia and I have been friends for a couple of weeks. Which is great! I feel like i've really bonded with the class of '06. Alice is a mate who i have been friends with for ages. Real cool girl so bubbly and happy."Pizza for you, pizza for me, pizza for you and me!" Lol. Dont ask.
Jazz, me, Miss D and Clinton. All part of the same mentor group! Squeeeeee!
Miss D and I... Haha! Shes so happy to have gotten those braces off!
If your wondering why i am about to punch a teacher its just a thing we do... G-to-the-Ourlay is such a great teacher... Real nice guy and dedicated jazz dude. One day he came along and playfully punched my shoulder. Me thinking it was my mate gavin turned and hit him real hard on the shoulder. Like really hard. We just stood there looking at each other with our jaws hitting the floor. We couldnt believe what had just happened. But now we're good mates. Such a great guy. And good teacher. He's one of us now...
yep definetely one of us... :)
A little dark again but i like it. Me and Jazz.
Katherine and Troy. Such a cute couple! Signing my shirt...
Me and julie! Good mate, but bcos of our groups spreading apart we have lost contact. Still good mates tho.
To finish the day we had an interschool dance challenge. Theres the presenters Ben and some chick. I love little benny, such a good little trumpet player!
This was the first performance and the only one worth talking about along with salvado. This one was about Superman and his arch enemy Millionaire man.
The evil villain with his many girls dispises his arch enemy, Superman.
Will superman save his girlfriend from the evil millonaire?