Oh yes, the sweet sound of no more exams! Woot! I love not having to jam study into my hours before an exam, not having the frustration of not understanding elements of biology! Yes it is fine! So I am sitting here after a sleep in till 9:38, on the computer not needing to go somewhere till hmmm.... 12... ahhhh... life is good! To all those out there who are reading my blog while at work I shall point and laugh!!!! Hahahaha... ha...ha... ok that was pretty mean im sorry. ( Hey don’t frown be happy! Weeeeeeeeeeeee! Yes di is hyper... no I haven’t had a red bull... im just happy that I aint at school! But I have to go to school to do the talent show auditions! Yay! And then see my principal... hmmm... but I got a sleep in YA! Ok this is just turning into a ramble! I am off to look at my web comics! TOODLES!