When you think things can't get any worse you find out that your brother just ate the rest of your chocolate...
Friday, October 06, 2006
My last official day at lumen christi college... Hope you enjoy!
This is what i see each morning when i go to school... makes me feel real good... you get hit by the scenery and by the beautful smell of all the different flowers...
Katherine and tara... awwww.... love those girls!
Awwww...! The last day guys!
Katherine on the floor in the corridors... dont ask... its ok, we're drama students...
Lavender! I love that lavender.
The performing arts centre that i will never get to perform in... they said it would have been finished last year... but no...
My homeroom! Yay! The last time i am required to go to home room... *tear*
Katherine! Such a cool gal...
Mrs Voola! I have had her every years since year 9! She always complained but she loves me! Really great teacher. Cmon! She'd have to be for putting up with me...
TREVOR! Eeeee! He was asking me if i was ok... such a sweeti!
Yes i know we are all moving but these girls just never stay still.. this is michelle monique and i... we got close in the 6th week of school which was all cool...gonna miss them heaps...
Caris and i ... and a finger... but thats ok cos i love my caris... shes my good friend... im gonna miss my girl... i like the name caris... its purty...
GAVIN! hehehe...
Cameron and me... signing the shirts *tear*
Friday, September 29, 2006
Awwww tara and trev... this couple will go far...
Yeah, ill just slip this one in.
Jazz at recess... our last recess!
Jazz, peter and i... i love that boy... me and him have been brass buddies for four years... great bloke.
My drummer Joe and me. Hes such a cutie. And a REAL good drummer. Self taught too.
Hannah and I in our last english class... *tear*. Next up my last music class... *tear again*.
Pete signing my shirt! Gotta love that boy...
Miss G and I. All my composing abilities are thanks to her. Shes cool...
Marcy and I. I love this chick. When she started year 8 I was new too. I started at lumen in year 9. So we both were new. And our friendship hit off straight away. Shes my bass player. Hahaha... i really trust her with my band. I hope we meet up in uni when she gets there. We'll have a jam. Man am i gonna miss marcy...
The music class! Its a mix of year 11 and 12s cos there wasnt enough students. Its been harder this way but all of our friendships are now really close.